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Provision DVD172

Last update: 23 oktober 2003 20:55
Special thanks to Joep Verwoerd for pointing out a mistake in this page.
Attention: This information CAN work on some other cheap brand dvd players. It will certainly work on other types of the PROVISION player.

In this Workshop we will make our Provision DVD172 dvd-player:

- Region free
- disable the Child protection 
- disable the Macrovision copyprotection
- play (S)VCD.
Stuff needed:
- The DVD player
- The Remote Control of the DVD player
With the arrow keys (left/right) we can change the number.
(1) Turn DVD-player on.  
(2) Press Eject and LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN.
(3) Press SETUP key.


You should get the above screen:

Press NEXT, PREV, NEXT, PREV (Don't go to slow)

, , ,
(Lately I'm receiving feedback that on some players one should press the NEXT/PREV combination 3X.)
(5) (voor)          (na)

In the upper right corner there will be a number, this is the region code. 1=usa, 2=europe, etc.

With the arrow keys (left/right) we can change the regioncode. (1=region 1, 2=region 3= etc.  255=REGION FREE)

Use the following keys:

Left and for right.

(6) When we have selected the region we want, we Press the DOWN key once. Use the following keys:

Down .

(7) (before)          (after)

With the arrow keys (left/right) we can change the number. (3001=Child protection enabled, 3000=Child protection disabled.)

Use the following keys:

Left and right.


(8) After we choose to enable / disable the childprotection, We press the Down key once. Use the following key for:

Down .

(9) (before)        (after)

With the arrow keys (left/right) we can change the number. (4001=macrovision enabled, 4000=macrovision disabled.)

(Macrovision is a copyprotection.) Some players don't have this option, on others there is no difference because it is already disabled.

Use the following key for:

Left and right.


(10) After we decided to enable / disable Macrovision we press the Down key once. Use the following key for:

Down .

(11)(before)      (after)

. (5001=(S)VCD declined, 5000=(S)VCD accepted.)


Use the following key for:

Left and right.


Press SETUP key once more.


If one puts in a vcd one would get:


If it doesn't start to play by itself (black screen, no activity) Press the PBC key to start playing. After that you can use the MENU button, if menu is present on (S)VCD.

Use the following key for:

PBC  and  MENU.

We have now customized our player.

Have fun with it,Bob.

Did it work? Please Mail me. Your email won't be abused

(Info I would like to have: Where did you get this link? Did you have to do something else than this workshop teaches?